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Doctor Segment - Q.How much does infertility evaluation and treatment cost?.

DOCTOR;The cost depends heavily on how soon your problem is diagnosed and which treatments will be necessary to eliminate it.The cost will increase as more office visits,medication,surgical procedures,and tests are required.

In calculating costs,two factors are important considerations.First,some insurance polices now cover these procedures.Second,while this care can add up to a sizable amount of money,remember that adopting a child is also quite expensive.

It is impossible to give specific costs for the tests and treatment of infertility since they vary so much from one part of the country to another.It is important that you find out if your insurance will pay for evaluation and treatment,and how much each test or treatment is going to cost.

Patients sometimes stop their infertility treatment because of money.I tell my patients that they should not t infertility care deplete their money to the point that it becomes a real hardship for them.It is usually "safe"to stop the care long enough to catch up,both emotionally and financially,when that becomes necessary if the delay is not too long and if the woman is not nearing 40.

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Next Question,What is a hysterosalpingoram (HSG).Find the response tomorrow.

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